The Devil Misled me.

Loving you at no time felt moral.

You condemned the haunted castle.

I would stroll from one place to another, at nightfall.

By candle light.

Trying to listen.

To your eerie speech.

Murmuring in my mind.

In a melancholy tenor.

It chilled me to the bone.

I was deceived.

By you.

My darling.

But I was not yours.

Then, I saw who you truly were.

I realised what error I made.

I flogged my soul to the devil.


  1. Ah...poetry's always so difficult to write. And to get published.
    I used to do comic songs, years ago - not quite the same (!)
    Good luck.

  2. You have a special gift, I hope you get share it with millions.


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